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I’ve always liked New Year’s Eve. It’s a day you can spend how you like—either ringing in the New Year at a party with family and friends, or spending a quiet night at home reflecting on the year ending and the new year beginning.

On New Year’s Eve, I always think of that old saying when a king dies…the king is dead, long live the king.  As one year ends, another one begins.

Of course, the passing of one year to the next is an artificial marker of time, but I like the idea of a fresh start. I like New Year’s Resolutions, even if I rarely keep them.  I like looking back over the previous year and noting the good and the bad.

But the timing is terrible. Who decided that we should all get a fresh start after a late night of drinking in winter, when the days are short and cold?  By all rights, the New Year should start in the spring.  But we go with what we’ve got.

I’ve got hopes and dreams for 2018, as we all do. I also know that most of my plans with fall through, and I’ll disappoint myself on some of my goals.  But some of those broken plans will lead to good things I can’t yet imagine, and I’ll keep some of my goals and better myself in certain areas.

Most of all I hope for health and happiness, for myself, and for all of my readers. I’ve blogged every Sunday in 2017, and the continued response and engagement from all of you has been one of those pleasant surprises.

Thank you to all of you who kept reading in 2017, and let’s see where we go from here!